
Test Pumping

Test pumping is a crucial step in the installation of a new borehole. It helps us understand your borehole's yield capabilities of the borehole and that of the surrounding aquifer. It also helps us choose and install the correct pump for the well and that your borehole is operated in a sustainable manner.

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Test pumping

Igne offers a comprehensive range of test pumping services for boreholes.

The process involves pumping water from the borehole at a constant rate for a period of time, typically several hours or days.

During the test, water levels are monitored in the borehole and in nearby observation wells.  This data is then used to estimate the aquifer's transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and storage coefficient.

In other words, it allows us to monitor the effects of taking water from the ground on water levels in the borehole and surrounding aquifers. 

Test pumping can be used to:

  • Confirm the yield of a borehole and nearby aquifers
  • Provide data to the Environment Agency or a consultant for abstraction licence applications
  • Assess the impact of pumping on other water users
  • Ensure we're not negatively impacting the environment


How does Igne conduct test pumping?

These are the typical stages involved in Igne’s test pumping process:

  • Pump installation: Pumps are installed into the boreholes. A rising main is installed onto the pump and the pump lowered to the correct depth.
  • Calibration: A calibration pump is undertaken to ensure the pump is working to the correct parameters.
  • Step test: A step test is undertaken. The flow rate is increased by set increments and the water level in the borehole and surrounding water features is monitored.
  • Constant rate test: A constant rate test is undertaken. This is usually around the rate the borehole will be pumped at on completion. The water level in the borehole and surrounding water features is monitored for a period of time, typically 24 hours or more.
  • Monitoring: During all tests, water levels are monitored in the pumped boreholes and nearby water features.
  • Removal: On completion, pumps are removed from the borehole(s).


Why choose Igne?

There are many benefits to using Igne's test pumping services, including:

  • Accuracy: We use state-of-the-art equipment and testing methods to ensure that your test pumping results are accurate and reliable.
  • Experience: We have over 350 years of combined experience in conducting test pumping for a wide range of applications.
  • Expertise: Our team of highly skilled and experienced hydrogeologists can help you to interpret the results of your test pumping and develop a strategy to meet your specific needs.

Benefits of test pumping

Sustainable water use: By understanding an aquifer's yield capabilities, we can set safe and sustainable abstraction rates. This helps to protect the groundwater resource and prevent over-extraction.

Pump selection: the data helps us select the correct borehole pump size and type for you. This ensures the pump is efficient and that it can operate reliably at the desired abstraction rate.

Borehole lifespan: Operating a borehole within its sustainable yield limits helps to extend the lifespan of your well.

Problem identification: potential problems, such as groundwater contamination or aquifer drawdown can be identified and rectified.

If you are interested in learning more about our test pumping services, please contact us today. We would be happy to provide you with a free consultation.