
Hydrogeological Assessments

An independent hydrogeological survey (or prognosis) is the first stage of the borehole installation process.

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What is a hydrogeological assessment?

A hydrogeological assessment is a study of the groundwater resources in a particular area. Hydrogeological assessments are often conducted before drilling a borehole to ensure that there is sufficient groundwater available and to identify any potential problems.

Igne offers a comprehensive range of hydrogeological assessment services for boreholes. Our hydrogeologists can:

  • Assess the potential yield of a borehole
  • Identify potential sources of contamination
  • Determine the best location for a borehole
  • Recommend borehole design and construction specifications
  • Develop groundwater monitoring programs


Why get a hydrogeological assessment?

  • Increased chances of success: A hydrogeological assessment can help to increase the chances of success of a borehole by identifying the best location for the borehole and by recommending the appropriate borehole design and construction specifications.

  • Reduced risk of contamination: A hydrogeological assessment can help to reduce the risk of contamination of borehole water by identifying potential sources of contamination and by recommending appropriate mitigation measures.

  • Improved groundwater management: A hydrogeological assessment can help to improve groundwater management by providing information on the groundwater resources in a particular area. This information can be used to make informed decisions about how to use and protect groundwater resources.


When should you get a hydrogeological assessment?

We recommend that you get a hydrogeological assessment for your borehole if:

  • You are planning to drill a new borehole
  • You are having problems with your existing borehole
  • You are concerned about the quality of your borehole water
  • You are required to have a hydrogeological assessment by law


Receive a hydrogeological assessment:

To get a hydrogeological assessment for your borehole, simply contact us and we will gather information about your site and your needs. Once we have reviewed the information, we will develop a proposal for a hydrogeological assessment.

  • Our hydrogeological assessments typically involve the following steps:
  • Desktop review of existing hydrogeological data
  • Site visit to conduct field investigations
  • Data analysis and reporting

Alternative applications for a hydrogeological assessment

A hydrogeological assessment is also used to assess the potential impact of proposed developments on groundwater and nearby surface water, as well as the potential impact of groundwater and surface water on the development itself.

The assessment can consider the risk of flood risk, settlement, ground movement, and local flooding issues .

Hydrogeological assessments are required for developments that could have a significant impact on groundwater or surface water, such as:

  • Construction of new buildings or infrastructure
  • Mining and quarrying
  • Landfills
  • Waste disposal sites
  • Contaminated land remediation
  • Groundwater abstraction

The initial phase

This typically involves a geological and hydrological desk study to gather existing information about the site and surrounding area. This information is used to develop a conceptual model of the hydrogeological system.

The conceptual model

This helps with the design of an appropriate site investigation, which may involve drilling boreholes, installing groundwater monitoring wells, and conducting groundwater sampling and analysis.

The findings of the site investigation are used to refine the conceptual model and to assess the potential impacts of a given proposed development.

Hydrogeological assessments typically provide the following information:

  • A description of the hydrogeological setting of the site
  • An assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed development on groundwater and surface water
  • An assessment of the potential impact of groundwater and surface water on the proposed development
  • Recommendations for mitigation measures to reduce the potential impacts of the development

A hydrogeological assessment is an important tool for ensuring a proposed development is sustainable and won't have a negative impact on the environment.

We will work with you to ensure your prognosis report meets your specific needs and budget, contact Igne today