

Igne's unexploded ordnance (UXO) training services are delivered by its explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) subject matter experts.  They bring their decades of military and commercial experience to ensure trainees receive expert learning.

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Unexploded Ordnance Safety and Awareness

CPD accredited unexploded ordnance safety training and toolbox talks for construction workers, infrastructure companies and emergency first responders from the leaders in explosive threat mitigation, Igne.

Explosive ordnance disposal experts have created this industry leading unexploded ordnance (UXO) training programme.  It’s ideal for construction workers, those conducting intrusive works (e.g., infrastructure, ground workers, miners) and emergency first responders.

As a responsible employer, committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of your staff, Igne’s continuing professional development accredited unexploded ordnance awareness training is the right choice.

EOD Expert Nigel Barton Delivering UXO Safety Training

The Course

What does the CPD accredited unexploded ordnance safety awareness training cover?

The training covers:

  • relevant historical information relating to the types of bombs and munitions that still contaminate the land you’re working on,
  • ordnance identification,
  • site safety precautions,
  • actions if a suspicious object is found during the course of the works, and,
  • management review safety planning.


How is the training delivered?

Each course is tailored to you, the client.  Consideration is given to the location you’re working in, and the likely threats your staff could encounter.

Courses can be delivered face-to-face, on site, at your offices or at Igne’s offices.

The multimedia training courses have interactive elements and are designed to engage your staff and hold their interest. 

Trainers bring inert items of ordnance, encourage interaction and are always praised for making their courses enlightening and entertaining.

“Nigel [the trainer] was very engaging and had a fantastic presence, he managed to keep all the crew interested (it’s a hard thing to do) [and] the inert training aids were a nice addition to the instruction we usually receive.  The presentation, like I’ve said, had great content and was very relevant to us as firefighters.”

Ali Iles, firefighter, UK.

Remote Learning

Can the courses be delivered remotely?

In a word, yes. If you’re based internationally, courses can be delivered remotely. Igne has recently received this excellent feedback on a remotely delivered course:

“Early feedback is very positive. You set the tone very well and the material was perfect in providing an understating of the threat, the history of how it developed and what we could expect to find in these project areas and how to respond. You also increased the awareness of how real these incidents and finds are in this area. We will now work on increasing the awareness and ensure appropriate actions and briefings are put in place.”

Regional Security & Crisis Manager, Europe & CIS (energy sector client, Russia).


The value of CPD accredited courses

As the courses are accredited by the CPD Certification Service, all attendees receive attendance and completion certification and accrue structured CPD /active learning hours towards their own annual continuing professional development targets.

As an employer, your staff will value your investment in their personal development; additionally, you will benefit from the fact your staff are more highly trained and motivated.

“I cannot thank you enough for sending [the trainer] down to see us today!  The presentation was absolutely perfect!!  The watch thought it was amazing and enjoyed it thoroughly.”

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.


Why choose Igne?

Operational globally for over 30 years, Igne’s core services are focused on explosive threat mitigation. Its safety record is exemplary; therefore, it is the number one choice for CPD accredited unexploded ordnance safety awareness training for clients including Vestas, the British fire service, Keir Construction, Costain, Willmott Dixon and Morgan Sindall.

  • Igne provides end-to-end unexploded ordnance services to the UK construction industry.
  • It cleans up marine environments contaminated with chemical munitions.
  • Globally, it even counters improvised explosive devices in nations at the highest risk of terrorist threat.

Therefore, it has the expertise you need – and because its training is CPD accredited, your staff can continue their professional development and get certified.


What does the CPD accredited unexploded ordnance (UXO) safety awareness training cost?

Course costs depend on a number of factors including location, delegate numbers, and whether it is booked as part of a Igne suite of unexploded ordnance services.  Courses may be offered at zero cost. 

Contact us to discuss your requirements and be assured we will do everything we can to keep your staff safe, your site operational, and your project on time and budget.

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Site Specific Safety Instructions

Site-specific reference documentation and training that allows you to understand and react appropriately to UXO if it’s encountered on your work site.

It’s estimated that 10% of the bombs airdropped by the Luftwaffe during World War II did not detonate correctly. 

As a result, many of them lie dormant across the UK, buried beneath the ground and awaiting discovery. It is therefore important to be prepared for this possibility of encountering unexploded ordnance (UXO) if you’re involved in any form of intrusive works such as construction or infrastructure development.

Thankfully, Igne provides Site Specific Safety Instructions (SSSI): this is site-specific reference documentation and training that allow you, our client, to understand and react appropriately to UXO if it’s encountered on your work site.


Why does a site need Site Specific Safety Instructions?

In the event that you do not have an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) engineer present on your site, Igne’s SSSI offering can empower your site management team to respond appropriately to ordnance related incidents.

Igne’s SSSI package is delivered to your management team, but is designed with the purpose that the information within it can be disseminated to all relevant site personnel. Therefore, if ordnance is discovered on your site, all site personnel will know how to respond appropriately.

SSSIs are an essential part of any CIRIA C681 compliant UXO risk mitigation strategy, and its vital to making sure your site’s risk is as low as reasonably practicable.


How do SSSIs work?

Igne will provide site-specific reference documentation and training to the management team of your site. This includes ‘planning and response’ and ‘safety awareness’ site induction training for new staff.

Igne’s SSSI training lasts approximately 2-3 hours and is tailored to address UXO threats identified on your site. It includes a presentation, and other bonus training materials such as leaflets and handouts – perfect for disseminating essential information to project personnel on your site.

The presentation is delivered by a fully-qualified senior EOD engineer and can be delivered remotely, should you so wish. It is most suitable for project or site managers, HSE representatives, site supervisors, and other site management personnel.

Igne will also provide your site with a management plan, detailing what to do if ordnance is discovered, and training on how to implement said plan.

All you require is a meeting room and a projector/projector screen, and Igne’s team of experts will take care of the rest.

CPD Accredited Training

Invest in your staff's development and safety with Igne's continuing professional development training packages which are accredited by the CPD Certification Service.

Igne offers the following CPD accredited training courses:

Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Actions on a Find

This is part one of two counter-IED training courses offered by Igne's training providers.  It briefs attendees to the categories of a potential find; the principles that govern the actions of the finder (3 Cs and 3 Ws) and it includes critical information such as minimum evacuation distances.

It can be taken alone, or combined with:

Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Methods of Attack

Again, this course can be delivered as a standalone, or combined with the foregoing for a comprehensive understanding of the threats posed by improvised explosive devices.

In this particular briefing, attendees receive an overview of the different methods of attack employed by a terrorist, and it increases attendees’ levels of awareness of the threat.

Unexploded Ordnance Safety & Awareness

This training is essential for all construction and infrastructure workers and exceptionally useful for emergency first responders. It can make all the difference in the event of the discovery of a suspicious item that could potentially be ordnance.

The training is given by an explosive ordnance disposal expert from Igne's UK land based team. The brief includes historical context to the explosive ordnance threat landscape in the UK and provides detailed information about bombs and munitions and ordnance identification.

The focus of the presentation is the site safety precautions and actions that must be taken if a suspicious object is found during the course of works. This is truly a potentially lifesaving course.

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Risk Mitigation Training

This can be packaged with the unexploded ordnance safety briefing to give an even greater understanding to your staff of what action should be taken in the event of the discovery of a suspicious item on a construction or infrastructure site.

Whilst all of the foregoing are CPD accredited, Igne can also offer bespoke site specific training packages.  Enquire today - don't delay.

Bespoke Training

Igne employs former British Military advanced explosive ordnance disposal engineers. They design and deliver bespoke unexploded ordnance or counter-improvised explosive device training to meet your needs.

At Igne we know that one size doesn't necessarily fit all when it comes to your unexploded ordnance (UXO) or counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) training needs.  Which is why we offer a bespoke training option.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Expert Trainers

Our explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts are all former British Military advanced EOD engineers.  They deal with the threat of explosive risk day in, day out.  There is no one better positioned to deliver expert safety training.

Whether you need a site specific training package or a sector specific focused presentation, these will be designed to meet your needs and those of the course participants.

Courses can also be designed to cover the threat posed in nations other than the United Kingdom.

Bespoke UXO and C-IED Training Packages

Training packages are always accessible, using language appropriate for non-EOD-expert recipients.  Additionally, if presented in person, they can be combined with training aids to allow participants to handle inert (safe) ordnance they may encounter.

Your bespoke UXO or C-IED training can be delivered on your project site, at our offices or remotely.  We can offer a gap analysis service to determine where your needs lie, alternatively, you can call us to discuss your training requirements

Continuing professional development (CPD) assured UXO training designed to keep you safe