
Can anyone have a borehole?

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Igne's water wells team answered a number of commonly asked questions in August's The Farmart. We share the questions and answers here in case you too want to know if you can have a borehole.

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Can anyone have a water borehole?

Yes, as long as there’s ground water on your land we can usually install a water borehole.  You can then draw up to 20,000 litres a day.  Many of our agricultural clients need significantly more water, in which case we help them obtain abstraction licences from the Environment Agency.

Is the drilling process timely and costly?

No; we’ve been boring for over 30 years (excuse the pun!) and walk clients through the entire process.  From a rig starting on site to a fully operational, purified private supply can take as little as 2 weeks.  We manage the entire process and our clients can be cost neutral in as little as 12 months. 

Larger commercial and licensed supplies do take longer to install, with liaison from the Environment Agency.

The benefits of having a private water supply? 

Any heavy water user, such as an arable or livestock farmer, enjoys massive cost savings in a very short time frame.  Additional benefits include being sustainable and enjoying a pure, clean, uninterrupted supply year-round – no more droughts, burst pipes or contamination.

Is borehole water safe to drink?

We ensure the purity of your borehole’s water by conducting chemical and bacteriological analysis, before designing, installing and maintaining the right water filtration and purification solution, ensuring your supply is safe.

What would you say to anyone thinking of a installing a private water supply?

Choose us! 

Our core client-base is the rural and agricultural sector, and we are equally as trusted to drill boreholes and provide maintenance by water services companies such as Severn Trent and Welsh Water. 

We also count soft drink producers CocaCola, Brecon Carreg and Ty Nant as clients, and as experts in water we help the Environment Agency and large utilities companies. 

In other words, there’s nothing we at Igne don’t know about installing and maintaining private water supplies.  Finding water is what we do, so get in touch and we’ll do all we can to help you.